there was a gap on the bathroom wall where the sink must have once stood and, through the corridors and balconies overlooking the inner courtyard, one could stumble on parts of furniture - couches, divans, boudoirs - that had presumably, at some point, decorated the rooms. looking down to the courtyard from outside my third floor room, a few empty plastic bottles laying on a green puddle were all that was left of a pond, and the few potted plants scattered around could only emphasize the total air of neglect that the whole compound exhaled.
nevertheless, induced by 16 hours of stiff train seats, sleep came to me that night like a blessing and i slept like a baby until the next morning.
Minha Querida Ana,
Recebi o teu maravilhoso postal. Que bom ter noticias tuas. Quando voltas e para onde? Estou cheia de vontade de te ver. Quero escrever-te, mas não sei para que morada.
"Necessidade de abandonar rapidamente um sitio, e por isso correndo para outro-qual será, quem sabe? A fuga consiste na recusa de algo. Tudo melhor do que isto: eis a questão. Qual esse tudo iria ser, breve o veria. Uma das raras certezas no existir humano é a de que, depois de uma situação, outra inevitavelmente nos enquadrará"
Nuno Bragança
Beijo grande grande
só dá gaijas espertas neste blog!
luizzzzZ (fugindo pa casa, agora q a encontrei)
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